Vice-chancellor of development


Vice-chancellor of development: 


 Dr. Abbas Mollataefeh


Office of the Vice-chancellor for Resources and Management Development

Deputy of Resource and Management Development of Arak University of Medical Sciences is a collection to advance the implementation of university programs in order to achieve organizational goals.


-Preparing and proposing university administrative and financial policies in the form of regulations in the university's intended purposes to the University Council

-Determine the correct policy for doing administrative and financial services according to the general policy of the university

-Supervising implementation of policies approved by the university units

-Supervising the good work of administrative, financial, services and maintenance affairs of university

- Establishing coordination between the headquarters with the main duties and responsibilities for achieving the intended purposes as soon as possible

-Participation in committees, conferences, commissions and administrative and financial seminars

-Investigating and studying the policy of government and university related to creating and providing facilities for the spiritual and material growth of employees

- Detailed study of detailed university organization and forecast of the required human resources and provide corrective suggestions for integrate and relocating employees in units

-Setting up an internship program to improve the level of employee performance at different levels of occupation in order to provide the desired services

-Reviewing and analyzing directives and presenting important issues to relevant authorities

- Monitoring correct implementation and acceleration of development projects and provision of facilities for their physical development

- Detailed monitoring of all internal and external purchases

- Issuing administrative communications and missions for members of the faculty

- Issuing administrative and financial circulars