Effect of tragacanth mouthwash and chlorhexidine on gingivitis and dental plaque index in intubated patients admitted to intensive care unit


Name of God
Defense session of the thesis of Mrs. Almira Parandavar, nursing master's student, specialized in special care with
The title "Comparison of the effect of Katira mouthwash and chlorhexidine on gingivitis and dental plaque index in hospitalized intubated patients
1402 in the place of the graduate education conference hall of the Faculty of Nursing, /06/ in the special care department" on the 22nd
With the presence of supervisors and thesis advisers, the jury, the dean of the nursing school, vice president and colleagues
Educational and research was held.
Considering the importance of oral and dental hygiene in the prevention of periodontitis diseases as well as the prevention of
The development of dental plaque and gingivitis, the present study was conducted in intubated patients. Statistically adding mouthwash
Along with manual brushing, it significantly reduces gum inflammation and dental plaque. In this study two
A group of patients separately received chlorhexidine mouthwash and Katira herbal mouthwash and after
Comparing these two groups, it was concluded that Katira mouthwash has similar effects to chlorhexidine in reducing gum inflammation and
It prevents the formation of dental plaque and improves oral health. While long-term use of mouthwash
Katira does not have the side effects of chlorhexidine mouthwash, such as changing the color of the tongue and teeth.